S1 E10 Tackling the Lakeland 200 Route - Vanessa Trish Lowe

Vanessa Trish (Vee) Lowe is a scientist for the British Heart Foundation, and was introduced to cycling by her friends from an Ultimate Frisbee team in 2018. Her first bikepacking adventure was cycling back from a Frisbee tournament in Belgium to London, followed by a bikepacking trip to Rwanda the following year. 

Vee doesn't shy away from a challenge, and in this episode we talk about her adventure on the challenging Lakeland 200 bikepacking route as part of the Steezy Collective, and her experiences of crit racing and how she returned to it after two consecutive crashes in her first 2 races. We also talk about ethnic diversity in cycling, and how Vee is co-hosting an Intro to Bikepacking weekend for women and non-binary people of colour with Sisters in the Wild this October.

Photo by Catherine Dunn (@_catherine_dunn on insta)

Vees 3 personal bikepacking tips

  1. Test out all of your gear before you go on a trip, even if it's just a 10km test ride. You want to make sure all your equipment works

  2. Ask for help and connect with groups or collectives. The bikepacking community is very willing to share tips and tricks or let you borrow kit. 

  3. Despite what your brain sometimes tells you, you can probably do more, so try and push yourself. It’s very rewarding when you complete a challenge. Above all, go for it, have a fun time, and try your hardest!


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