S1 E1 - Bikepacking each month of the year - Diane Mulholland

Diane had an outdoorsy childhood growing up in rural Australia, where she used cycling to get around but since moving to the UK in 2006, put off by London traffic, she stopped cycling and began exploring less.

After 20 years, a number of coinciding factors, including lockdowns and an injury, caused her to blow the dust off her bike and rediscover an old love. In January she joined a bikepacking trip to the New Forest. Despite temperatures getting below freezing at night it hasn’t deterred her and she’s now aiming to complete Cycling UK’s 12 nights out in one year challenge. 

We’re going to be talking to Diane about how she rediscovered cycling, how she is getting on with her challenge to camp out each month and some of the tips and lessons that she has learnt over the years.

Diane’s top tips for transitioning from hiking to bikepacking

  1. You’re guaranteed to want to change things about your setup once you’ve been on a few trips, so if you’re just starting out, try to use gear you already have or borrow where you can. Good camping equipment is expensive, and when you decide to invest more, you’ll know you’re getting what will work for you.

  2. If you’ve camped before but this is your first time bikepacking don’t be tempted to load up your bike with anything and everything! Yes, it has wheels, but you’ll really notice the weight when you’re going uphill, and any time you have to lift your bike for steps, trains, trees or whatever else comes your way.

  3. Finally, the bikepacking world tends to glamourise minimalist set-ups and freezing, sleepless nights, but it’s unnecessary, and unhealthy. Carry snacks, make sure you know where you can get dinner, and don’t skimp on your sleep setup. I promise there’s a lot more joy to be found in a trip where you’re not exhausted and starving!

Follow Diane’s Journey


S1 E2 New Forest Offroad Club - Pat Wirenski